02Unexpectedly during the past week, events unfolded in Dublin which have deeply affected people. We think of the children involved, their families, their carers and school community. The subsequent street violence has shaken people sowing fear, doubt and vulnerability. We all continue to be grateful for the dedication and bravery of our emergency services and gardai. We depend on them at all times but especially in times of crisis and danger.
This Sunday we come to celebrate the last weekend of the liturgical year in the Feast of Christ the Universal King. In families, homes, schools and communities, attention is drawn to the run-up to Christmas. However, we take time this weekend to reflect on Jesus as the Lord of all events particularly in a world of danger and suffering.
In the gospel text Jesus is depicted sitting ‘on a throne of glory’. This is the Cross of Jesus and the suffering of life. We can be comforted and reassured in this as we take our time before looking into Advent next weekend.
Fr. Michael.