Mary of Nazareth – Our Lady of Palestine, Queen of the Holy Land ~ 17th November 2023

Published on November 17, 2023

On a pilgrimage to the Holy Land a number of years ago, one of the pilgrims in our group asked the guide if a certain place that we were passing through was in Palestine or Israel.  The guide who was Arabic and worked as a teacher in Nazareth memorably replied, ‘this is all the Holy Land’.  It put members of the group thinking and I always carry that response with me.

We continue to pray for peace in Gaza and Israel as well as Ukraine where people suffer unbelievably without reason or logic.

It is so easy to give up on prayer and peace-making.  Our faith urges us on to keep hoping, keep faithful and keep praying.  We do so in our church, parish, schools and wherever people of faith and goodwill gather.

Mary of Nazareth – Our Lady of Palestine, Queen of the Holy Land, intercede for peace in your beloved homeland.

Fr. Michael

Do This in Memory

Thanks to the parents who helped with the Do This in Memory Mass last weekend.  It was a lovely Mass with a special family atmosphere.  We look forward to the next Mass on Saturday 9th December at 6pm.  May God bless the First Holy Communion children, their families, their schools and our parish.  St. Michael, pray for all of us.