O Come Emmanuel & Christmas Arrangements ~ 1st December 2023

Published on December 1, 2023

O Come Emmanuel

Happy New Year or, more correctly, Happy New Church Year!  Yes, we start the new year this weekend on the First Sunday of Advent as we light the first candle on the church Advent Wreath.  This one candle looks a bit lost and isolated for a week or two until the full circle of light is complete on the Fourth Sunday of Advent which falls on Christmas Eve.

This year, more than ever we call out for the birth of Our Saviour.  We need the help and presence of the Infant Jesus in our lives.  While technology and science rapidly develops, so many more people feel isolated and suffer.  Perhaps your own situation has changed since this time last year and Christmas may be daunting.  Then just look at the new light on the Wreath, look forward to the night when the Newborn Infant Jesus is placed in the crib.  Don’t be on your own, the Emmanuel, God-with-us will be with you.

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel this year.

Fr. Michael

Do This in Memory Mass

The next Mass for the First Holy Communion children and their families will be celebrated on Saturday 9th December at 6pm Vigil Mass.  The children will bring their Do This in Memory candles with them to this Mass which they have received from the Parish as they prepare for First Confession and Fist Holy Communion next year.

Christmas Dues

These envelopes will be delivered to homes this week.  Your generosity and loyalty is profoundly appreciated in this.

Christmas Arrangements 2024

Sunday 24th December

Morning Masses @ 9am & 11am

Vigil Masses @ 6pm & 8pm

Christmas Day, Monday 25th December

Masses @ 9am & 11am

St. Stephen’s Day, Tuesday 26th December

Mass @ 9.30am

Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available after weekend Masses on Saturday 16th/Sunday 17th December.

Ballinlough, Blackrock, Blackrock Road, Mahon Family of Parishes

This weekend

Fr. Rafal will celebrate weekend Masses in St. Michael’s.

Mons. Gearoid will be in Holy Cross Church

Frs. John Denvir SMA & Fr. Jerome SMA will be in Ballinlough

Fr. Michael will be in SMA Blackrock Road for all Masses.

Within our Family of Parishes, we are beginning to prepare for the formation of Parish Pastoral Councils in 2024.  The four parishes will work together in this with the support of the Office of Mission and Ministry in the Diocese.

Afternoon of Reflection

On Sunday 10th December from 3pm – 5.30pm there will be an afternoon of reflection for Ministers of the Eucharist from the Family of Parishes of Ballinlough, Blackrock, Blackrock Road, Mahon in Blackrock Parish Centre.  Fr. Silveter O’Flynn OFM. Cap will guide the reflection. All Ministers of the Word of Eucharist are invited to attend to join in prayer and take the opportunity to meet together.