Thank You Fr Colin ~ 22nd October 2023

Published on October 20, 2023

At 11am Mass this weekend, we are delighted to welcome Fr. Colin Doocey to celebrate Mass for and with us.  We also welcome his mother Marie and family members who join us as well.

In welcoming Fr. Colin and his family, our parish wants to thank him in a public way for his dedicated ministry here since 2019.  Fr. Colin graciously undertook the role of Administrator following the death of Canon Kieran in June 2019.  It was a big undertaking in addition to his ministry as Parish Priest of Mahon Parish.  This became even more challenging during the pandemic from March 2020.

We are very grateful for his prayerful presence and attention to duty over those years.  He shared his own deep personal faith with us to nourish us all as a parish faith community.

As we gather this weekend, we ask God’s blessing on Fr. Colin and on the next chapter in his life and ministry as Chaplain to Cork University Hospital as a member of the Chaplaincy Team there.

Thanks to all those who arranged the parish reception for Fr. Colin, his family and our parishioners in the Parish Centre after 11am Mass.

Fr. Michael

Blessing of the Graves in St. Michael’s Cemetery on Sunday 5th November at 3pm.

Remembrance Mass

Our annual Remembrance Mass for those from our parish who have died since this time last year will be celebrated on All Souls Day, Thursday 2nd November at 7.30pm.  Families who have been bereaved during that time are warmly welcome.   Letters of Invitation to families who have experienced bereavement this year are at the back of the church and you might help by bringing one to a family that you know or for your own family.

November Novena for the Dead

Mass for the November Novena will be celebrated each weekday morning from Thursday 2nd November to Friday 10th November this year.  November Lists and envelopes are available in the church.

October is Safeguarding Month

The Diocese Safeguarding Committee welcomed the introduction of the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015 which came into effect on 26th April 2023. This law that establishes a new legal framework for supported decision-making in Ireland. It allows people to make legal agreements on how they can be supported to make decisions about their personal welfare, property and affairs.

These new regulations are for people who don’t have the capacity to make decisions, now or in the future, without help.

The Act also allows us to plan for a time when we might lose our capacity in 2 types of future planning arrangements, known as Advance healthcare directives and Enduring power of attorney.

For more information you may find the following websites useful.

Fatima Rosary Prayer group Pilgrimage at the Lough Cork this Sunday at 2.30pm.

Fr Noel O’Sullivan Co-PP in Turners Cross Parish, has just published a book entitled, Sacraments in a Synodal Church. It is the fruit of his work in parishes here in the diocese and his years teaching in Farranferris and Maynooth. The book is a comprehensive exploration of the sacraments of the Catholic Church as they developed from the time of Christ and as they are understood today. What is particularly refreshing about this publication is that it is situated in the context of Synodality as presented by Pope Francis. The book will be launched by Bishop Fintan Gavin on Tuesday 24th October, at 7.30 in Mardyke House, Cork (T12W8RP). All are welcome.