NOVEMBER ~ 29th October 2023

Published on October 27, 2023


November can be a very dreary time and exactly mirrors our liturgical time of remembrance and prayer for the faithful departed.  The falling leaves mirror the cycle of life and death.

As always, Jesus Christ guides us to places where He has already gone Himself.  That is the hope of our Christian remembrance and Christian prayer.  Beginning on this Thurs. Nov. 2nd, we will remember and pray for those who have died with reverence and love.  We remember as a Christian people reassured by a new and eternal life for those who have died and Christian hope for the bereaved.  Death is not a distressing fracture but a continuity of life into eternal life.  May all who have died rest in the peace of the Lord.

Lord God,

Whose days are without end and whose mercies beyond counting,

Keep us mindful that life is short and the hour of death unknown.

Let your spirit guide our days on earth and in the ways of holiness and justice,

That we may serve you in union with the whole church,

Sure in faith, strong in hope, perfect in love.

And when our earthly journey is ended,

Lead us rejoicing into your kingdom,

Where you live forever and ever, Amen.

(Order of Christian Funerals 332)

Fr. Michael

Blessing of the Graves in St. Michael’s Cemetery on Sunday 5th November at 3pm.

Remembrance Mass

Our annual Remembrance Mass for those from our parish who have died since this time last year will be celebrated on All Souls Day, Thursday 2nd November at 7.30pm.  Families who have been bereaved during that time are warmly welcome.   Letters of Invitation to families who have experienced bereavement this year are at the back of the church and you might help by bringing one to a family that you know or for your own family.

November Novena for the Dead

Mass for the November Novena will be celebrated each weekday morning from Thursday 2nd November to Friday 10th November this year.  November Lists and envelopes are available in the church.

Do This in Memory Programme

This parish-based preparation programme for second class children and their families preparing for the Sacraments of First Confession and First Holy Communion will begin on Saturday 11th November at 6pm Mass.