St. Patrick – Pray For Us
This weekend we will celebrate St. Patrick and may even wear our shamrock. Next weekend we will have palms at Mass and listen to the gospel of the Passion of Jesus. In two weeks time we will be celebrating Easter at the end of Holy Week or the Great Week. So in a very short space of time, we will have the shamrock, the palm and the Cross.
During the past week here in the church we celebrated First Confessions for three parish schools as well as the Sacrament of Confirmation on Wednesday last.
Many things are happening and each of these is a special moment for all involved. While the faith landscape is changing, these celebrations are proud moments for parents and families. You can see these things in people’s faces and they are lovely to witness.
On this St. Patrick’s Day, we pray for our young people, their families, schools and our parish that we will always value our faith in God and experience the love and mercy of God.
Fr. Michael
Holy Week 2024
Holy Thursday: 7pm – Celebration of the Lord’s Supper
Good Friday: 12 noon – Stations of the Cross, 3pm – Solemn Ceremony of the Lord’s Passion
Holy Saturday: 7pm – Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday: Masses @ 9am & 11am
Confessions next weekend 23rd/24th March after Masses
First Holy Communions 2024
Sat. 27th April Scoil Barra Naofa Buachaillí
Sat. 11th May Scoil na Croise Naofa (Holy Cross Church)
Sat. 18th May Scoil Barra Naofa Cailiní
Sat. 25th May Scoil Ursula & St. Michael’s
Sat. 25th May Gaelscoil Mhachan (Holy Cross Church)
Chrism Mass: Bishop Fintan invites parishioners to join in the celebration of the
Mass of Chrism on Holy Thursday (March 28th) at 10am at the Cathedral of St. Mary
and St. Anne, Cork. At this Mass with priests and parishioners from the Diocese the
Oils of Baptism and the Sick are blessed. Bishop Fintan will also consecrate the Oil
of Chrism which will be used in parishes during the year. Bishop Fintan and the
Priests of the Diocese will renew their priestly promises during this Mass. Everyone
is most welcome to attend.