Holy Week 2024 ~ 22nd March 2024

Published on March 22, 2024

The Great Week

We look forward to Holy Week, The Great Week, An tSeacthain Mhór.  There is something special about these days as we begin on this Palm Sunday.  There is a drama about the liturgies of Holy Week.  There is also a unique peace and calm as we follow the journey of Jesus entering Jerusalem on this Palm Sunday, in the Upper Room and the Garden of Gethsemane on Holy Thursday, the steps of the Via Dolorosa on Good Friday and proclaiming the Resurrection of Jesus on Holy Saturday Night and Easter Sunday morning.

Here in our own church and parish, many people prepare and participate in the Holy Week liturgies.  We are grateful to them all as we experience the drama of Holy Week.  These are beautiful days ahead.  In life, we often say that we would love to have a break or have a retreat.  These coming days are the structure for our own personal retreat each day in the parish.  St. Michael, pray for us and guide us this Holy Week.

Fr. Michael


Holy Week 2024

Holy Thursday

7pm – Celebration of the Lord’s Supper

Good Friday

12noon – Stations of the Cross (with young people)

3pm – Solemn Ceremony of the Lord’s Passion

Holy Saturday

7pm – Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday

Masses @ 9am & 11am

Confessions this weekend after each Mass

Chrism Mass: Bishop Fintan invites parishioners to join in the celebration of the

Mass of Chrism on Holy Thursday (March 28th) at 10am at the Cathedral of St. Mary

and St. Anne, Cork. At this Mass with priests and parishioners from the Diocese the

Oils of Baptism and the Sick are blessed. Bishop Fintan will also consecrate the Oil

of Chrism which will be used in parishes during the year. Bishop Fintan and the

Priests of the Diocese will renew their priestly promises during this Mass. Everyone

is most welcome to attend.

First Confessions

Well done to all the Second Class children, their families and their schools who have celebrated the Sacrament of First Confession in St. Michael’s and Holy Cross over the last two weeks.  We look forward to the celebration of the Sacrament of First Holy Communion in both churches in late April and May.  These are very special days for the children.  Our next Do This in Memory Mass will be celebrated on Saturday 13th April @ 6pm.

Trocaire Boxes – Please return to the Church in the coming week.