Our Schools ~ 10th September 2023

Published on September 8, 2023

It’s lovely to hear the sound of children back in the schoolyards these days.  During the past week, I have visited a number of the local primary schools and look forward to touching base with the others this week.  We are blessed in our Catholic schools especially in this parish and beyond.

Our schools are very positive places underpinned by the gentle presence of Jesus each day.  While we prepare for the Sacraments of First Confession, First Holy Communion and Confirmation so much more happens as well in classes throughout the school as a community centered on the Person of Jesus.

May God bless the children, their families, their school communities and our parish throughout the coming school year.

Fr. Michael

This weekend, we remember and pray for the little girl who lost her life in Fountainstown.  We pray for her parents, her brother and sister, her friends and their families, her school community in Crosshaven and all those in grief.  May the gentle presence of Jesus console them and accompany them in a time of profound grief.

Fr. Michael