The Beauty of Forgiveness ~ 17th September 2023

Published on September 15, 2023

The Beauty of Forgiveness

We have been blessed with some beautiful weather at the start of this month.  It has certainly changed in the last few days.  Temperatures have dropped, we are running from the rain, scrambling for coats and umbrellas which we thought we could put away for longer.  The cycle of the seasons is inevitable and beautiful at the same time.

This weekend, the Word of God draws us into a cycle of anger, frustration and forgiveness.  Like the seasons this is inevitable and beautiful.  Forgiveness must be the most beautiful thing in life.  We are blessed by the grace of God when we receive and give forgiveness.  Mother Theresa spoke ‘of doing something beautiful for God’.  Everyday, we have that opportunity in front of us to give and receive forgives.  This is what makes us children of God and people of authentic faith.

May God bless us this weekend.  St. Michael pray for us.

Fr. Michael

Thank You

Sincere thanks to all those who continue to support our parish in the offertory collection each weekend as well as the church maintenance collection.  Thanks to people who continue to support the parish via the donate button on the parish website or through standing order.  Your support ensures a welcoming church and parish where we gather to pray and celebrate the happy and sadder days with people around us in the presence of God.

Fr. Michael

SMA Novena

The SMA Novena in honour of St. Therese will begin on 23rd September in St. Joseph’s Church, Blackrock Road and will conclude on the Feast of St. Therese on 1st October next.  The Novena will be celebrated each evening at 7.30pm (except Sat. 23rd & Sat. 30th @ 7.30pm).  There will be a choir each evening.  For information contact 021-4292871