This weekend we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and look forward to the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday during the coming week. The year is moving on quickly as Holy Week and Easter are celebrated at the end of March.
This weekend, the gospel begins by saying that a leper comes to Jesus and concludes by saying that ‘people from all around would come to him’. In the first reading, the man suffering from leprosy is directed to approach the priest.
At one level, it is about the cure of an obvious and dreadful suffering. At a deeper level, it is the healing of his spirit, of his sense of who he is, of his sense of where he belongs in the company of Jesus, fundamentally that he is loved by God as who he is.
It is the fact that the leper has someone to turn to. He receives the most fundamental healing as a person and as a child of God. The leper is not turning to an organisation or a structure; he is turning to the person of Jesus Christ.
On the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and during the Season of Lent, may we turn to Jesus Christ through Mary.
Fr. Michael
Family of Parishes of Ballinlough, Blackrock, Blackrock Road and Mahon
Eilis Casey and Lorraine Buckley will speak at Masses in Blackrock and Mahon next weekend 17th & 18th February. They will speak at Masses in Ballinlough and Blackrock Road Parishes this weekend in relation to the formation of parish councils.
Welcome to the First Holy Communion children and their families to the Do This in Memory Mass this weekend. May God bless the children, their families, their schools and our parish.
Trocaire Boxes are available in the church from this weekend. Please take one to your home and keep it prominent there during the coming weeks of Lent.
Finding hope in a hopeless world – Lent 2024: This is a seven-week programme for Parish groups or individuals which will be available on the Diocesan website ( from Ash Wednesday (February 14th). This programme explores how we can still be people of faith and hope in today’s world. It includes a series of reflections, Scripture readings and prayers, and a guide on how to use this resource in your Parish/Family of Parishes.
Prayer for the Formation of a Parish Council
Heavenly Father, we come before you with grateful hearts as we embark on the journey of forming our parish Council. We seek your guidance, wisdom, and grace to build a vibrant parish council that reflects the love and teachings of your Son, Jesus Christ.
Lord, bless our efforts and help us to recognize the unique gifts and talents you have bestowed upon each of us. May we be open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit as we discern the needs of our community and strive to fulfill your mission here on Earth.
We entrust the formation of our parish council to the intercession of Mary, our Mother, who stood by your Son in moments of joy and sorrow. May she guide us in imitating her example of faith, humility, and loving service.
We offer this prayer in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.