Look Up
In the first reading this weekend, Job gives us several words and phrases for the difficulties of life. He speaks of life as ‘pressed service’, ‘hired drudgery’, ‘nights of grief’, ‘no hope’, ‘my eyes will never again see joy’. He is not exactly full of joy this weekend.
The gospel reading is a continuation from previous weeks. Yet again, Jesus is on the move, people are following; he heals people and then moves on to a quiet place. It says that while people are ‘crowding round’; he goes moves forward not waiting for adulation and praise. His eyes are fixed on God, not on the praise that may come his way. Jesus shows us where to look and where we are to turn. He does not look inwards, but he looks upwards to the Father and he looks forward.
The great blessing of our gathering is that when we hear something, we physically raise our eyes off the floor to look upwards towards the sanctuary, we look upwards at the host and chalice, we look to Jesus Christ when we receive the Eucharist, our hearts are raised when we join in a hymn and welcome the music and singing. These are all ways of looking upwards, of moving forwards, of placing our hope in God, of seeing beyond the ‘pressed service’ and weariness of life.
At the start of February and with brighter days ahead we look up to see the blessing of God.
Fr. Michael
Prayer for the Formation of a Parish Council
Heavenly Father, we come before you with grateful hearts as we embark on the journey of forming our parish Council. We seek your guidance, wisdom, and grace to build a vibrant parish council that reflects the love and teachings of your Son, Jesus Christ.
Lord, bless our efforts and help us to recognize the unique gifts and talents you have bestowed upon each of us. May we be open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit as we discern the needs of our community and strive to fulfill your mission here on Earth.
We entrust the formation of our parish council to the intercession of Mary, our Mother, who stood by your Son in moments of joy and sorrow. May she guide us in imitating her example of faith, humility, and loving service.
We offer this prayer in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Ash Wednesday on 14th February, Mass @ 9.30am
Feast of St. Blaise, this Saturday 3rd February, Blessing of Throats after 6pm Vigil Mass
Vacancy – Parish Secretary
Mahon Parish is inviting applications for the role of Parish Secretary. This is a part-time role fulfilled within 12 – 15 hours per week.
Please contact Fr. Michael Keohane Co-PP (085 8735905) or frmichael@corkandross.org for the role description details and information for applicants.
Ballinlough, Blackrock, Blackrock Road, Mahon Family of Parishes
Representatives from the Office of Mission and Ministry in the Diocese will speak at all Masses across the four parishes on the next two weekends. We will continue to pray for the formation of new parish councils in parishes asking God’s blessing so that these will be formed in a spirit of prayer and discernment to specifically serve the prayer and faith lives of the parishes.
Do This In Memory
The next Mass for the First Holy Communion children and their families will take place next Saturday 10th February @ 6pm. Families are reminded to bring their Do This in Memory candle, which they received from the parish, with them to this Mass. May God bless the children as they prepare for the Sacraments of First Confession and First Holy Communion in the coming weeks and months. We will all pray for them.