Thought for the Day 18th August 2024

Published on August 16, 2024

One could launch the reflection by recalling significant situations in which the costly gift of self nourished others, leading perhaps to the gift of new courage and new life. Christians believe that Jesus gives life by giving himself. This is also the path of discipleship—the believer also gives life by the gift of self. Such memories may lead to the real heart of what is being said here: faith in Jesus and the meaning of his death and resurrection. At this point, questions arise such as, what is at the centre of my life? What give me nourishment and energy? How has that actually taken place in my own, quite personal journey? It might even help to come up with a personal faith statement at this point. Above all, this is an invitation to faith, understood as deep, deep trust. In the words of another text, we believe God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself (2 Cor 5:19).

You are the mystery at the heart of it all and at the heart of your mystery we find self-giving, sacrificing love.Help us to know you as you truly are and as you have shown yourself to be in Jesus your Son. We ask your blessing as we follow your Son Jesus, our bread of life. May we in turn be able to nourish others.

K O’Mahony OSA