The Baptism of the Lord & Parish News ~ 6th January 2024

Published on January 5, 2024

The Baptism of the Lord

Our church ‘clock’ is still somewhat on Christmas time which concludes this weekend with the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.  Our family clock is already set for school and work with parents and grandparents back on routine duties.

Why this feast of the baptism of the Lord?  Very simply, Jesus takes his place in the queue at the River Jordan to be baptized.  He shows that he is of one nature with us?  In a sense, He demonstrates what is really possible for the rest of us.  He shares his nature with us and shows that we can be ‘born’ of God as well.

Baptismal ceremonies are beautiful.  Smiles on the faces of parents, grandparents, great grandparents.  We see new life and hope in front of our eyes.  Each one is a special moment.  Every time a new baby is brought through the door of the church is a special moment.  It is not easy for parents and families and yet through the grace of God, many ceremonies are celebrated in our parish.

This weekend we celebrate the wonderful blessing of our own baptism, the joy of each baptismal celebration in our parish and Family of Parishes and that Jesus elevates our nature in His baptism in the River Jordan.  Happy New Year.

Fr. Michael.

Confirmation 2024

The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on Wednesday 13th March 2024 at 10.30am.

First Holy Communion 2024

Saturday 27th April              Scoil Barra Naofa Buachaillí

Saturday 18th May                Scoil Barra Naofa Cailiní

Saturday 25th May                Scoil Ursula, St. Michael’s, School of the Divine Child.

Do This in Memory 2023 – 2024

The next Mass for the First Holy Communion Children and their families will be celebrated on Saturday 10th February at 6pm.

Alpha Training Day – Saturday 27th January in Blackrock Parish Centre

The Alpha programme helps people to not just know about the person, Jesus, but to come to know him, to come into an encounter with him, and into a relationship with him. Alpha can bring new life and energy back into the parish community because people form friendships, experience Christian community, and experience God in a new and life-giving way through Alpha.  Please contact Fr. Michael if you hope to be present.  Also more details from

Ballinlough, Blackrock, Blackrock Road, Mahon Family of Parishes

Representatives from the Office of Mission and Ministry in the Diocese will speak at all Masses across the four parishes during February.  In preparation for this we will pray at all Masses during January asking God’s blessing so that parish councils will be formed in a spirit of prayer and discernment to specifically serve the prayer and faith lives of the parishes.

This will not be rushed and will be a more synodal way of discernment, prayer and eventually parish council formation.