Thank You from Fr Michael ~ 5th April 2024

Published on April 5, 2024

Thank You

We were blessed with prayerful and well attended ceremonies this year for Holy Week and Easter.  There was a lovely atmosphere in the church during those days.

We are grateful to so many people who quietly give their time and talents to parish for Holy Week and throughout the year.  We have a very special parish with so many volunteers making it so.  We thank our volunteer sacristans, flower arrangers and those who lovingly maintain the church, our church choir, folk group, cantors, music groups, ministers of the Word and Eucharist, church collectors, Parish Finance Committee, the young people along with Sr. Mary for the beautiful Stations of the Cross on Good Friday and all those who ensure that our church and grounds are well maintained.  Thank you for your generosity and time.

We are working towards the formation of a new Parish Council in May and June this year.  Please contact Fr. Michael if you would like to be part of this and to be more involved in the faith life of our parish.  May God bless you this Eastertime.

Fr. Michael

Easter Dues Envelopes have been delivered to homes and sincere thanks to so many people who have returned these during Holy Week and Easter.  It’s also possible to contribute Easter Dues via the parish website