Once September arrives each year and, as the days shorten into winter, St. Michaels Church Choir resumes its important role in adding to the liturgy at the 11:00am Sunday Mass. The choir has been in existence since the 1970’s and, since 1979 has been under the direction of Jane Fitzpatrick. Presently it numbers 14 female singers who certainly belie their small number by the quality of their musicianship, their sincere expression, and the vocal impact they make. The parish is changing and developing, and it is noticeable how many new people are attending mass and enhancing our faith community. It is also noticeable how so many people are joining in with the congregational singing. So why not do so as part of the choir and play a fuller role in the parish community? The choir is actively seeking new members who will be made very welcome. Indeed, we have already welcomed a number of new members to the choir this year.
Who are we looking for? Firstly, we will remain a female choir, prior knowledge of musical notation is not required but you should be able to sing in tune and be open to becoming part of a special and dedicated group of existing members.
What commitment is required?
We practice pre-mass every Sunday from 10:00 to 10:45, and then sing at the mass, so no extra weekly outing is required. No onus is placed on members to attend every Sunday, situations always arise in all our personal lives to make full attendance difficult.
How can I find out more about becoming a member? (1) Come along on any Sunday to the balcony and just join in the pre-mass rehearsal to get an idea of what it’s all about, (2) meet members of the choir and organist after mass if you are interested (just come to the balcony to have a chat), or (3) ring John (the resident organist) at 087-2628281 at any time for further information.
While the choir is already up and singing for the 2023/2024 season, we will continue to actively welcome new singers at any time during the year.