Autumn is finally upon us. Over the last few days, leaves are everywhere and we are blessed with beautiful autumn colours. Hopefully we can enjoy these things and see the greatness of God in them.
Our minds and hearts begin to turn to remembrance and prayer for those who have died recently or perhaps many years ago. The falling leaves and changing season move our hearts and minds to pray and remember.
In our church, the Remembrance Tree close to the altar carries many names of those who have died. The names there are like leaves that have grown back on the tree bringing it back to life, an image of death and eternal life, of autumn and then a new springtime, of sadness and loss transformed to acceptance and new life.
This autumn, may we see the beauty of the changing season and the hope that our faith in God and eternal life brings.
Fr. Michael
Remembrance Mass
Our annual Remembrance Mass for those from our parish who have died since this time last year will be celebrated on All Souls Day, Thursday 2nd November at 7.30pm. Families who have been bereaved during that time are warmly welcome and you might begin to spread the word about this.
November Novena for the Dead
Mass for the November Novena will be celebrated each weekday morning from Thursday 2nd November to Friday 10th November this year. November Lists and envelopes are available in the church.
Safeguarding Month
A crucial part of safeguarding is supporting those who have been affected by institutional, clerical or religious abuse in Ireland. Towards Healing is an independent organization providing professional support for people who have experienced institutional, clerical or religious abuse in Ireland. The Towards Healing Counselling and Support Service reflects the commitment of and is funded by the Catholic Church in Ireland to meet the support needs of survivors of Religious, Institutional and Clerical Abuse and their families. To find out more about this service, please visit. or contact freephone 1800 303416
CONNECT 3 – Faith Gathering for Young Adults (18 to 35 Years)
The Diocese of Cork and Ross is delighted to announce that CONNECT 3 will take place on this Sunday, October 15th from 9.30am, in Devere Hall, UCC. It promises to be a great day of fun, prayer, food, talks, Mass, fellowship, and more.
There is no charge for attending. To register simply visit
Fr. Colin Doocey
Fr. Colin has accepted our parish invitation to celebrate 11am Mass on next Sunday 22nd October next. We will make him a presentation to honour his dedicated ministry in our parish as Administrator from 2019 until this past summer, particularly through the time of the pandemic. There will be a reception in the Parish Centre after Mass and everyone is invited to the Mass and the reception afterwards.