Advent and Christmas & Parish News & Events ~ 15th December 2023

Published on December 15, 2023

The presence of the newborn infant in our church crib on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning will put a smile on our faces.  Our faces can be tired and worn from the events of life and of the past year.  Perhaps this year someone is absent from your house?  We lovingly remember those who have died during 2023.  Perhaps, due to a disagreement, someone will be somewhere else this year and that brings sadness.

Jesus is the ‘Emmanuel’, God-with-us.  Truly believe that God is with you in your sadness and loneliness.  Truly believe that God is in your joys and happiness.  Perhaps there is a new baby or grandchild since this time last year.  Perhaps there has been the joy of a wedding in the family.  Perhaps someone has come home as a surprise?

This year, we put our lives and hearts in front of the Infant Jesus and we humbly ask God’s blessings.  Fr. Michael

Do This in Memory Mass

Well done to all who participated in the Do This in Memory Mass for the First Holy Communion children and their families last weekend.  The next Mass will be on Saturday 10th February @ 6pm.

Christmas Dues

Dues envelopes have been delivered to homes and are also available in the church.    Thank you always for your generosity which is much appreciated.

Christmas Arrangements 2023

Sunday 24th December

Morning Masses @ 9am & 11am

Vigil Masses @ 6pm & 8pm

(Holy Cross @ 10am, 12.15pm, 4pm & 6pm)

Christmas Day, Monday 25th December

Masses @ 9am & 11am

(Holy Cross @ 10am & 12.15pm)

St. Stephen’s Day, Tuesday 26th December

Mass @ 9.30am

Saturday 6th January, Feast of Epiphany

Mass @ 9.30am

Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available after weekend Masses on this Saturday 16th/Sunday 17th December.