St Anthony, Our Favourite Saint ~ 24th September 2023

Published on September 22, 2023

The people of Ireland have voted for Ireland’s favourite saint at the National Ploughing Championships during the week.  Despite the rain and the mud, there was a rush to vote!  The outright winner was St. Anthony followed by St. Brigid, St. Patrick, St. Padre Pio, St. Therese of Lisieux and St. Martin de Porres in that order.  All very democratic and an interesting insight into our devotion and our prayers.

We are very proud of our own statue to St. Anthony here in St. Michael’s Church.  It’s lovely to see people drop in to pray and light a candle there.  Always lovely to see our young people drop in to spend a quiet moment in the church.

We have many deep prayers known only to ourselves and God.  St. Anthony and the other saints are a friendly face to convey these prayers and help us as well.  Increasingly, we can forget to turn to God in prayer.  We try so many other things and can forget the profound resource we have in our faith and devotion.

This weekend, we pray for many things.  St. Anthony, pray for us.  St. Michael, pray for us.

Fr. Michael

Priesthood Education Fund – Special Collection this Weekend

The annual collection for the Priesthood Education Fund in the Diocese will be taken up on the weekend of 23rd/24th September.  This year two seminarians will begin studies in St. Patrick’s College Maynooth.  Both have completed a year of initial formation in Valladolid last year.  Another man is studying for the Permanent Diaconate in the Diocese.  The Priesthood Education Fund will finance their studies as well as costs for ongoing training and education for priests.  In the region of €110,000 will be needed to meet these costs in the coming year.  Last year €70,616 was raised in this collection which was very generous.   Appreciating that these are difficult financial times, you are asked to be as generous as you can to the Priesthood Education Fund annual collection this year.

Gougane Sunday

You are invited to the celebrations at Gougane Barra on Sunday 1st October marking the 1400th anniversary of the death of St Finbarr. Mass at 3pm preceded by the Rosary at 2.30 pm. Fr Bernard Cotter will preach this year. Bishop Fintan looks forward to seeing you in Gougane.

Church Maintenance

Scaffolding has been erected in the church sanctuary to prepare for the painting of that area in the coming weeks.  Sincere thanks for your continuous generosity to the regular repairs collection that enables this to be completed.  It’s much appreciated.