This Saturday evening, we welcome the second class children and their families from our parish who are preparing for the Sacraments of First Confession and First Holy Communion next year. We will begin our Do This in Memory programme in the parish with the children and their families as they enrol for the sacraments in this Mass.
These Masses that will continue throughout the year is the parish playing its part to support the families and our schools as we all work together to bring the children to know Jesus in First Confession and First Holy Communion. Our schools do wonderful work with the children already and we are all grateful for this.
This year, the children have already received a special Do This in Memory candle from the parish which they will bring to each of the Masses throughout the year.
May God bless the children, their families, their schools and our parish as we work together to make everyone welcome in our church and ultimately bringing the children to experience the joy of faith and meeting Jesus in the Sacraments.
The next Do This in Memory Mass will be celebrated on Saturday 9th December.
Fr. Michael
November Novena
Our Novena of prayer for the Holy Souls concluded on Friday 10th November.
Weekday Masses during the coming week will be on Tuesday and Friday as normal.