4th September 2022

A life without wonder would be very barren indeed. Babies are great at wonder and good communicators (in whatever field, such as nature or cosmology) have kept an almost childlike sense of discovery. Our faith, too, gets its energy from a combination of wonder, discovery and, betimes, perplexity. Some of the most inspiring passages in the Bible reflect this. For example, in Sirach 43, after an exhaustive review of the wonders of creation, the writer closes with the arresting words, We could say more but could never say enough; let the final word be: “He is the all.” (Sirach 43:27)


God of all creation, we stand before your handiwork in awe and gratitude. God of salvation, nothing can ever separate us from your love. God of our inner life, sustain our surprise!

Kieran J O’Mahony OSA