It is Good For Us To Be Here
Over the years serving in different parishes, I have met many people in times of joy such as baptisms and weddings and frequently harder times of sadness and heartbreak through bereavement, illness and the challenges of life. Life can be wonderful and it can also be very hard. We never know what life can throw at us.
People face life with resilience, courage, worry, fear, doubt and hopefully faith. It is a wonderful mixture and all very real. Jesus understands us very well and knows that we need strengthening. We need courage, resilience, trust, hope, faith and so much more. Jesus saw it in his own disciples and shows them what is possible. He shows them a glimpse of the glory of God. They get a glimpse of Easter Sunday in this weekend’s gospel and early in Lent, for us too. They need it and we certainly need it as well.
Peter says ‘it is good for us to be here’. Please God we can say the same at Mass this weekend.
Fr. Michael
Trocaire Boxes are available in the church from this weekend. Please take one to your home and keep it prominent there during the coming weeks of Lent.
Finding hope in a hopeless world – Lent 2024
This is a seven-week programme for Parish groups or individuals available on the Diocesan website ( A different aspect of hope will be explored each week. The resource is available as a presentation, video, and podcast (all of which can be used online or downloaded for off-line use).
Prayer for the Formation of a Parish Council
Heavenly Father, we come before you with grateful hearts as we embark on the journey of forming our Parish Council. We seek your guidance, wisdom, and grace to build a vibrant parish council that reflects the love and teachings of your Son, Jesus Christ.
Lord, bless our efforts and help us to recognize the unique gifts and talents you have bestowed upon each of us. May we be open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit as we discern the needs of our community and strive to fulfill your mission here on Earth.
We entrust the formation of our parish council to the intercession of Mary, our Mother, who stood by your Son in moments of joy and sorrow. May she guide us in imitating her example of faith, humility, and loving service.
We offer this prayer in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.