It is possible to live a merely sentient existence, paying attention only to the immediate and being satisfied once the urgent appetites are met. It is hard to say how many manage to sustain this form of sleepwalking! In our better moments, we all know that this is wholly inadequate, even on a merely human level. We are all of us called to rise above above mere existence and to live life abundantly (cf. John 10:10). In the faith, the Advent call is to wake up from our slumbers. Metanoia (conversion or repentance) means a whole change of mindset, going right down to the roots of our being. It’s the only project. Of course, it takes time, but the time is now.
God of life abundant, may your advent call to life and love, hope and conversion touch us again and draw us closer to you. Amen.
Kieran O’Mahony, OSA