When people struggle to believe in God at all, our Christian faith in God as Trinity may seem somehow a needless complication. Yet, we do know that relationships and relationality stand at the heart of our human wellbeing. Words do fail us, of course, and yet we know that God in God’s own very being is Love. This inner love (the “immanent Trinity”) has been spoken and told, disclosed and revealed in Jesus and the Spirit (the “economic Trinity”). And yet, we affirm one God. This evident paradox must first of all be lived in prayer and only then haltingly alluded to in stumbling words.
Father, ground of our being, we know and believe that you are Love itself. Help us let ourselves be embraced by your Love, as we follow Jesus and live by the gift of his Spirit to us all. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
K O’Mahony OSA