There are times when we struggle to know what to do or how to respond to something. It might be a seemingly impossible decision or how to give an answer to someone in the family. Where do I look for guidance and support? On Pentecost Sunday we see where to turn. There is another person to whom we can turn and that is to call on the spirit of God, the presence of the Risen Jesus Christ.
Trust and believe in the Spirit of God today. When you pray, you will get a peace and calm that will surprise you. You will get a consolation in your worry and sadness. These are not just words but the experience of many people. That is the Advocate, what is often described as the ‘balm’ of the Holy Spirit. It is real and it does work. May the Risen Lord bless you and comfort with the Spirit of His presence.
Fr. Michael
Welcome to the Spiritan Fathers
This weekend priests from the Spiritan Fathers are speaking at Masses in both Blackrock and Mahon Parishes as part of the annual mission awareness programme in the Diocese of Cork and Ross.
Eucharistic Procession 2024 will take place next Sunday 26th May departing the Cathedral at 3pm, crossing the river over the Christy Ring Bridge and concluding at Ss. Peter and Paul’s Church with Rosary and Benediction. Blackrock parish will join in the Procession behind our Parish banner from the Cathedral. If you can help with the banner you might contact Fr. Michael (085 8735905)
First Holy Communions
Congratulations and every blessing to the children from Scoil Barra Naofa Cailiní who received their Holy Communion this Saturday 18th May. May God bless the children, their families, their school and our parish.
The children from Scoil Ursula and St. Michael’s will receive their First Holy Communion next Saturday 25th May @ 11am.
On next Sunday 26th May, the children from all schools who have received their First Holy Communion this year are invited to the 11am Mass as part of their Do This in Memory Parish Programme. We all look forward to that.
The Remembrance Mass in St. Michael’s Cemetery will be celebrated on Wednesday 26th June @ 7.30pm.