God is With You
The readings and the Word of God this weekend can touch our lives and hearts.
In the gospel Jesus goes into Galilee after the arrest of John the Baptist. He is launching into the unknown and He is a lone voice. In the first reading there is a similar narrative where Jonah enters the ‘great city of Nineveh’ to preach to them. It is a description of witnessing to the existence of God against almost impossible odds.
In both readings, there is a positive outcome. Despite the impossible odds, ‘the people of Nineveh’ listen. In Galilee, Jesus reaches the hearts of the first disciples who respond.
This is a word for our time. People of faith can feel pressure to remain private and not to speak of their faith. This can be the case in families as well as in the public space. Young people of faith often speak of this isolation and pressure.
In both readings, there is a positive outcome. Despite the impossible odds, ‘the people of Nineveh’ listen. In Galilee, Jesus reaches the hearts of the first disciples who respond.
Take heart form this Word. Trust that God is with us at all times. We are never on our own, God is with us. We experienced this at Christmas with the Emmanuel. God is with us now and we celebrate that when we gather for Mass here in our parish and beloved church. St. Michael, pray for us.
Fr. Michael
Prayer for the Formation of a Parish Council
Heavenly Father, we come before you with grateful hearts as we embark on the journey of forming our parish Council. We seek your guidance, wisdom, and grace to build a vibrant parish council that reflects the love and teachings of your Son, Jesus Christ.
Lord, bless our efforts and help us to recognize the unique gifts and talents you have bestowed upon each of us. May we be open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit as we discern the needs of our community and strive to fulfill your mission here on Earth.
We entrust the formation of our parish council to the intercession of Mary, our Mother, who stood by your Son in moments of joy and sorrow. May she guide us in imitating her example of faith, humility, and loving service.
We offer this prayer in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Alpha Training Day – Saturday 27th January in Blackrock Parish Centre
The Alpha programme helps people to not just know about the person, Jesus, but to come to know him, to come into an encounter with him, and into a relationship with him. Alpha can bring new life and energy back into the parish community because people form friendships, experience Christian community, and experience God in a new and life-giving way through Alpha. Please contact Fr. Michael if you hope to be present. Also more details from https://corkandross.org/alpha-training-day
Vacancy – Parish Secretary
Mahon Parish is inviting applications for the role of Parish Secretary. This is a part-time role fulfilled within 12 – 15 hours per week.
Please contact Fr. Michael Keohane Co-PP (085 8735905) or frmichael@corkandross.org for the role description details and information for applicants.