Barry (Dublin and Cork) : On February 9, 2017, peacefully, after a long illness, borne with courage and dignity at Douglas Nursing Home, MARY, late of Rockcliffe
Village, Blackrock. Loved wife of Vincent and much loved mother of Vincent and Adrian. Deeply regretted by her so loved sons, daughters-in-law Jenny and Margaret, darling grandchildren Mike, Joe, Charlotte, Caragh and Phoebe, sisters, relatives and friends.
Reception prayers at 11.30am on Tuesday next (February 14, 2017), in St. Michael’s Church, Blackrock, followed by Requiem Mass at 12 noon. Funeral afterwards to St. Michael’s Cemetery, Blackrock. No flowers please.
Requiescat in pace
Date Published: Thursday 9th February 2017 Date of Death: Thursday 9th February 2017

The death has occurred of Mary BARRY late of Rockcliffe Villare, Blackrock, Cork
Died on February 9, 2017